Welcome to EricDzugan.net.
Eric Dzugan grew up with more exposure to sales and marketing than the average child. From an early age, Eric Dzugan was inspired by his parents who had a unique ability to connect with the people they were helping buy or sell their home. It was his parents that taught Eric Dzugan that person-to-person connection is critical for a successful sales rep. Eric Dzugan took the lessons learned from his parents and earned a Major in Business Administration. Landing an entry level sales job immediately after graduation, Eric hasn’t looked back since. In his current pursuit of a VP of Sales job at a major organization, Eric Dzugan is constantly looking to learn and improve his craft. This website will serve as an outlet for him to share some of the lessons he has learned along the way.
While future blog topics will delve deep into individual lessons, the homepage will serve as a place to share some golden rules of sales. Eric Dzugan believes that whether you are selling a pen or a yacht, a successful sales rep must always clearly understand the needs of their clients. What one individual finds most critical to them may vary from the next potential sale that comes down the road. In the words of real estate investment professional Bradley Ransome, only a curious person makes for a great sales rep. There must be a genuine desire to connect with the prospect and understand their unique pain points. When a sales rep can position their product or service as a clear answer to a problem plaguing the client, their closing rates will skyrocket. The value add to a person or business can fluctuate, so it is important that a sales rep can adapt.
Most websites that tackle the world of sales will paint a very rosy picture. The truth is sales can be a lot like baseball. Sales reps can and will go through cold streaks at the figurative plate. The next homerun can always come at the next at bat so having the ability to maintain a positive attitude is important. Sales reps must develop a thick skin and use every prospect as a learning experience. It is never easy to face rejection as a sales rep or as a person, but it is part of the business. Eric Dzugan encourages all reps to ask what they could have done differently to earn the business of the prospect. Their insights will make closing the deal that much easier.
Eric Dzugan believes that sales reps often believe that their ability to close a deal hinges on their ability to be a smooth talker. While having the gift of gab is not a negative, it’s the sales rep that is able to actively listen that will enjoy a successful career. Active listening will help a sales rep understand what the true needs of the prospect are. Sales pitches can’t be stagnant, they should change based on the information provided. No one gathers more information than an active listener who understands how to ask the proper questions.
Finally, there’s no lesson learned quicker for a new sales rep than the importance of organization. As a salesperson starts to handle more leads, it will grow increasingly important to utilize a calendar. Every sales rep is different. Some can take call after call or meeting after meeting without a break. Others will be more effective if they block out certain times during the day for prep work. Finding a formula that works becomes much easier when a sales rep maintains an organized calendar. Filing notes for each prospect in the proper folder will make it easy to pull up info should a prospect call in unexpectedly. Expecting the unexpected is vital in the sales industry.
For more information and sales tips, be sure to check out the Eric Dzugan blog, which will be updated regularly with his insights.